When people take DMT, they start to perceive reality. Differently, everything will be in motion, the
space, time, and even light creating beautiful sacred geometry of higher dimensions.
Many people claim to meet other entities during their trip and communicate with them using a
language that transfers through light; These creatures got many names: Aliens, angels, higher self,
but for the most, it was; Elves.
The multidimensional nature of the human brain:
Recent studies are now learning how the brain got its own unique pattern beyond the physical
dimension of understanding. Theories like The holographic universe literally discuss how the brain's
capacity to store memories is infinite. The subconscious has access to other lifetimes' memories;
there are still many things to prove and study more about. Still, I think we won't wait long to hear
about the next theory or discovery that will enlighten many mysteries about consciousness and
reality in general.
Psychedelics are practical tools to help us understand more about ourselves and the universe around
us. Many ancient civilizations and cultures used psychedelics in their rituals to connect with the
divine source or meet what they claim to be; The Creator.
Why Elves?:
This question seems hard to answer since all the data is based on each participant's unique trip.
However, a recent survey was provided to a variety of psychedelics users. The results helped
researchers understand why people usually encounter these entities on DMT.
The result is shown below: (Data for 99 participants)
-What Emotional state do people respond with during the trip?
Positive Emotions: -joyness (65%) -Trust (63%) -surprise (61%) -love (59%) -kindness (56%)
-friendship (48%)- fear (41%).
Negative Emotions: Such as sadness (13%) -distrust (10%) -disgust (4%) -anger (3%).
-The Encounter was more vivid than reality itself:
81% Agreed to this during the encounter, while 64% After the meeting.
-How did people describe the entities?
“being,” (60%) “guide,” (43%) “spirit,” (39%) “alien,” (39%) or “helper” (34%).
Most trippers agree the encounter was not a hallucination, and many believe the elves were real.
The Guiders:
Many practitioners state to receive a message from entities in the form of mission, purpose, a subject to improve on. The majority responded positively to the meeting and were happy to learn many things and understand more about themselves and the universe. They see these elves as guiders that live in a higher dimension, and they were trying to help fellow humans access these realms during the trip.
Final Words:
If you want to hear my opinion, I think these entities really exist in a higher dimension, beyond the physical reality. The universe is so significant and meaningful for only us to be; Other lifeforms are living with us, or somewhere else in this vast space; it's just a matter of time for humanity to accept these belief-changing ideas and start to look at reality from a different perspective.